Preparing for Gardening, Part 2.

For the Love of Plants, STOP

All of us have encountered someone in our lives whom we just couldn't stand. For some reason they way they walk, talk, laugh, smile.... It just irritates us. They zap us of our energy. Thank goodness for friends, people who energize us and make us feel good about ourselves.

Did you know that plants, like humans, also react negatively to certain plants? Sometimes specific plants can actually kill and prevent the growth of others. Take sunflowers for example. They are beautiful, and a staple in most gardens. That beautiful sunflower... it emits a chemical which prevents the growth of most vegetables and flowers. This chemical can last in the soil and stunt the growth of other plants for years.

Shocked? I was too when I learned about the "evils" of the sunflower. Especially since sunflowers are my favorite flower and I plant them every year. Luckily plants, like humans, also have companions "best friends". When these plants are planted together they benefit each other. That nasty sunflower. While it hurts most plants, it is good for corn, peas, beans and squash.

The second step for planning your garden is going through all of the things you intend to plant this year and find out what plants work well together, and what plants harm/kill each other.

This link will take you to a Companion Planting List at the Almanac


Preparing For Planting: Part 1


Planing Your Garden, Part 3